What can we offer:

Our company conducts face-to-face surveys and telephone surveys among individuals at:

National level: On samples of 600, 1100, 1800 and over, representative by sex, region, type of locality, place of residence, age groups and others.

Local level: At the level of a locality, district or region.

In Transnistria: Our company conducts research in the Transnistrian region as well. The terms of such a study shall be discussed individually for each contract.

Local censuses: We conduct the census of the population, infrastructure, formal and informal business environment and other socio-economic aspects at the level of a locality.

iData company conducts CATI – telephone surveys and CAPI – face-to-face surveys.

Qualitative study is a complex research that involves several methods and can be carried out separately or together with quantitative studies.
Qualitative research methods:

Group discussions (focus groups).

In-depth interviews

Behavioral analysis

Big-data analysis (texts, audio, video, pictures) – complex study that uses innovative methods of processing existing information in various forms.


Generating ideas and solutions

Qualitative studies can be done among individuals, according to different socio-demographic, economic and political criteria, etc. They can also be organized among the representatives of companies, state institutions, various professions, non-profit organizations, socially disadvantaged groups, etc.


Online focus group – Focus group in online format is a good alternative when participants are in another geographical region and it is not possible the physical presence of participants or in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A market study is carried out at the request of a Beneficiary and generally involves a general analysis of a market. In the case of a market where there are several producers of a certain product or range of products, it is analyzed in a complex way: total production capacity, share of major firms in turnover, number of employees in the industry, level of profitability, the extent to which the industry operates transparently, exports and imports of products such as those manufactured by this industry, the external environment, value chain analysis and other important elements that provide a complex and overall picture of all actors involved in the market. Additionally, there may be done consumer studies, which test the knowledge of the main brands, companies, products, slogans, the opinion on product quality, product price, preferences, etc.

The Mysterious CustomerMysterios Shopper or Mystery Shopping – is an excellent way to find out what the situation is in a place of commerce, public catering or in a public or private institution. Mysterious customers from iData will visit the premises / institution following a certain scenario and will collect a series of valuable information that will be centralized in monthly or quarterly reports.

Beneficiaries will know exactly what is good and what can be improved in the premises / institution.

Our company offers a wide range of data analysis methods. Due to the fact that this service is very diverse, we encourage you to contact us and to tell what data you need or, having data, what you would like to know considering this data. We will process your solicitations and will give you useful analysis for your business.

Desk research is a way of market research that involves collecting and examining information that already exists and is easy to obtain, such as company records, government reports published, and information in newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.

Before you make a field visit, develop a prototype, or start any project that you want to be user-centered, it makes sense to see what people have done in the past that relate to the product field. This method of research is the fastest and most effective way to understand the field.

Do you need a consultation?

Data Inteligente Ltd. is currently a company that performs the entire cycle of data collection and processing from research planning, development of research tools, data collection, analysis, preparation of analytical reports and data presentation. The company is apolitical and collaborates with many private companies in the Republic of Moldova, but also with local and international non-profit organizations, mass media and other interested institutions or organizations.

Our experience:


Finished projects




Focus groups


In depth interviews


In depth interviews with legal entities

Collaborate with Date Inteligente SRL on a long-term basis

One wave study

4000 euro/wave

Duration: one month/wave

  • 6 focus-groups
  • 6 in depth interviews
  • Qualitative study reports
  • Transcripts of depersonalized focus group discussions and in-depth interviews
  • 15% discount for ALLIANCE OF SMALL ENTERPRISES FROM MOLDOVA members (link to sme.md)
Solicită ACUM

Study with at least 4 waves / year

10000 euro/wave (discount -16.7%)

Duration: one month/wave

  • National study 800 CAPI respondents (face to face)
  • Qualitative study 4 focus groups
  • Qualitative study 4 in-depth interviews
  • Depersonalized database
  • Frequency tables with 5 disaggregation
  • Qualitative research report
  • Transcripts of depersonalized focus group discussions and in-depth interviews.
  • General analytical report.
  • 12% discount for ALLIANCE OF SMALL ENTERPRISES FROM MOLDOVA members (link to sme.md)
Solicită ACUM

Qualitative study – 1 wave

4000 euro/wave

Duration: one month/wave

  • 6 focus groups
  • 6 in-depth interviews
  • Qualitative research report
  • Transcripts of depersonalized focus group discussions and in-depth interviews.
  • 15% discount for ALLIANCE OF SMALL ENTERPRISES FROM MOLDOVA members (link to sme.md)
Solicită ACUM

Market research – 1 wave

9500 euro/wave

Duration: 2 months

  • 20 in-depth interviews
  • 6 focus groups
  • 20-30 field questionnaires with companies
  • Production analysis
  • Analysis of the number of companies on the market and their structure, including by turnover and number of employees
  • Analysis of imports and exports
  • Analysis of value chains and export potential in certain markets.
  • Duration 2 months.
  • Other relevant analyzes, depending on the market.
Request NOW !

Qualitative study – 4 waves/year

3500 euro/wave (-12.5% discount)

Durata: one month/wave

  • 6 focus groups
  • 6 in-depth interviews
  • Qualitative research report
  • Qualitative research report.
  • Transcripts of depersonalized focus group discussions and in-depth interviews.
  • Additional discount -12% for ALLIANCE OF SMALL ENTERPRISES FROM MOLDOVA members (link to sme.md)
Request NOW!

The mysterious visitor – monthly

500 euro/monthly

Duration: 2 months

  • 20 in-depth interviews
  • 6 focus groups
  • 20-30 field questionnaires with companies
  • Production analysis
  • Analysis of the number of companies on the market and their structure, including by turnover and number of employees
  • Analysis of imports and exports
  • Analysis of value chains and export potential in certain markets.
  • Other relevant analyzes, depending on the market.
Request NOW!
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